
The Rise of Machine Learning

Pros and Cons of It

Efe Buyuk
Towards Data Science
3 min readDec 23, 2020


Photo by h heyerlein on Unsplash


In today’s world, machine learning is a big part of our lives. We cannot even think of a world without it at the moment. It already started to take a huge portion of our day-to-day activities. In this article, I am going to try to go through some important possible outcomes of machine learning in the future. To make this article consume more easily, I will give its brief here.

Pros are maybe like these;

  • More spare time
  • More accurate results

Cons are maybe like these;

  • Less privacy
  • Less dedication

Although the above lists are a bit vague right now, stay with me for more details in the below sections.


Firstly, I think we expect too much from machine learning, and this makes people afraid of this technology. On the one hand, there are lots of opportunities in terms of making people’s lives easier if machine learning is used properly and accurately. On the other hand, algorithms can be dangerous too if intensions are not humanly.

One of the advantages of machine learning in our future lives will be having more spare time. For example, house robots will be more common in our houses, and we will not have to do the housework. Moreover, we can also have more quality family time. Another instance, automation with machine learning such as cooking or even shopping will save a great amount of time, and as a result, we will be able to more get into our hobbies and interests.

The second advantage will be more accurate results. To illustrate, students will be able to get more personalised feedback after their classes. In this way, they can improve their less developed skills more. Another example is that we will become better decision-makers in business. These decisions can be health-related for a doctor or legal for a judge. Needless to say, every profession will have the advantages of using machine-generated results in every industry.


Secondly, although I am not a pessimistic person when it comes to thinking about machine learning effects for our future lives, I have still some concerns about it. My first concern is the privacy issue, and the second is dedication. I will explain what I mean by these terms in the following paragraphs.

One of the drawbacks of using this technology is that somebody can violate our privacy in our personal and business lives. For example, it is not surprising when we feel paranoic after a voice recognizer application built-in our mobile phones suggest the thing we just mentioned over a phone call on a web browser. Another example is that being forced to give all kinds of asset information belonging to your company to get a bank credit can make you feel naked, vulnerable and unhuman.

The second drawback can be a dedication problem. For instance, automating things with machine learning may bring a cosy feeling to you that you don’t have to do anything about that automated subject. This cosy feeling will become loose of interest for you in terms of that subject. To give another example, machine learning can lead you to laziness, and eventually, you may lose all your skills because this automation will kill them. More sadly, you will maybe not even care about this and get a brand new skill: unconcernedness.


To sum up, it is impossible to cover all aspects of this topic: machine learning in the future. What I tried to do is make us think about it a little bit more. Every new enhancement on technology will bring its own pros and cons and what we have to do is be aware of them, then react to them if necessary to fix its negative sides.

Please share your thoughts about this topic to benefit from all different kinds of ideas from a different point of view.



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